Statement on the Execution of Marcellus Williams

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

September 25, 2024

New York, NY – [9/25/2024]: We, the Majlis Ash-Shura: Islamic Leadership Council of New York, express our deepest sorrow and profound grief over the execution of Imam Marcellus Williams (may Allah have mercy on him), who was executed in Missouri on September 24, 2024. This tragic event is a stark reminder of the systemic injustices that continue to afflict marginalized communities across our nation.

Imam Marcellus Williams was not only a devout Muslim but also a beacon of hope and guidance for many. During his 23 years of incarceration, he dedicated himself to spiritual growth, becoming an Imam who led and inspired fellow inmates on a path of faith and redemption. His commitment to Islam and his role as a leader exemplify the potential for transformation and the profound impact of spiritual guidance.

Despite significant doubts surrounding his conviction—including the absence of DNA evidence linking him to the crime and questions regarding the credibility of key witnesses—his appeals for a fair retrial were denied. This raises grave concerns about the fairness and integrity of our justice system, which is entrusted with upholding the principles of justice and due process for all.

We extend our heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of Imam Marcellus Williams. We pray that Allah grants them patience and strength during this incredibly difficult time. May He also grant Imam Marcellus Williams mercy and admit him into Paradise.

Furthermore, we are deeply troubled by reports of excessive force used by law enforcement during peaceful protests in New York City following the execution. The unnecessary aggression toward demonstrators—including community youth leaders—who were exercising their constitutional right to peaceful assembly is unacceptable. Such actions only serve to exacerbate tensions and undermine public trust in law enforcement agencies tasked with protecting our communities.

As an organization committed to justice, advocacy, and the empowerment of marginalized communities, we call upon:

  • The Justice Department to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the circumstances surrounding the wrongful conviction and execution of Imam Marcellus Williams.
  • Local and state authorities to review and reform policies that allow for the use of excessive force against peaceful protesters.
  • Community leaders and organizations to unite in demanding accountability and systemic changes that prevent such miscarriages of justice in the future.

We also urge our fellow New Yorkers and all Americans to stand in solidarity against injustices that threaten the principles upon which our nation was founded. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that every individual is granted a fair trial and that the rights enshrined in our Constitution are upheld without prejudice or discrimination.

In honoring the memory of Imam Marcellus Williams, let us recommit ourselves to the pursuit of justice, equality, and the protection of human rights for all. May we work together to build a society where such tragedies are not possible, and where the dignity and sanctity of every human life are respected.