The Muslim world will not tolerate such blatant disrespect of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and stands in solidarity with their French Muslim brothers and sisters.
Over a thousand Muslims from all across New York and New Jersey showed up on a cold and rainy Sunday afternoon to protest in front of the French Embassy at the New York United Nations. The protesters gathered together after a wave of recent targeting of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the French Muslim community by France’s President, Emmanuel Macron.

The protest was organized by a coalition of Muslim organizations and leaders, including the Islamic Leadership Council of New York (ILCNY), Turkish American National Steering Committee (TASC), Muslim American Society of New York (MAS-NY), United Ulama Council of USA, Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Arab Muslim American Federation (AMAF), Egyptian Americans for Democracy and Human Rights, and many more local groups.
“Islam teaches you to fight back, and to stand for justice!”
The rally included people of all different ethnicity and diverse backgrounds, echoing the same angered calls for respect for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and justice for the Muslim community. Raja Abdulhaq, Executive Director of the Islamic Leadership Council of New York, in an empassioned speech, reminded the Muslim community that France’s Islamophobia and racism is another effort to simply subdue the Muslim community to France’s political and economic interests, but “Islam teaches you to fight back, and to stand for justice!”