Read our statement on Indian aggression in Kashmir: Majlis Ash-Shura Condemns the Indian Occupation of Kashmir.
All out for Kashmir!
Join Stand with Kashmir, Majlis Ash-Shura, ICNA-NY, MAS-NY, MANA, and others to protest against the Indian occupation of Kashmir.
Friday, August 9th – 5pm
In front of Indian Embassy – E 64th St. and 5th Ave. Manhattan.
Facebook event page | Download flyer

Khutbah Talking Points
We have prepared the following talking points to help Imams and mosques boards to discuss the issue of Kashmir in the Khutbah/Friday prayer tomorrow.
A few months ago Majlis Ash-Shura hosted a Webinar with Professor Hafsa Kanjwal which delved into the details of the Indian occupation of Kashmir and the the history of resistance against the occupation.
If you’re unable to view the entire Webinar in full, we encourage you to view this short 5 minute summary of the history of Kashmir by Professor Kanjwal.
Show solidarity to our Kashmiri brothers and sisters this Eid by wearing red clothes or a red scarf/hijab!
To keep up with news about Kashmir, please visit: