The Kashmiri cause has not been getting its fair share of coverage within Muslim circles even though its people have been facing cruel occupation for decades now.
In every escalation between India and Pakistan, Kashmiris suffer the most. Join us in this webinar to learn more about the occupation of Kashmir and its struggle for liberation with Prof. Hafsa Kanjwal.
Hafsa Kanjwal is an Assistant Professor of South Asian history at Lafayette College. She completed her PhD in history and women’s studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her research focuses on post-Partition state-formation in Indian occupied Kashmir. She has written on Kashmir for a variety of news outlets including The Washington Post, Al Jazeera English, Kindle Magazine, Foreign Policy Magazine, Kashmir Life, Kashmir Ink, and the Al Jazeera Center for Study. She has spoken on Kashmir for Al Jazeera English’s The Stream and Inside Story news programs.